Blog > How Super Cruise makes your life easier in winter

How Super Cruise makes your life easier in winter

The Super Cruise semi-autonomous driving system was introduced on Cadillac models over five years ago and is now found in a growing number of GM vehicles. Now capable of operating on more than 640,000 km of roads in the U.S. and Canada, it is by far the most ingenious AND safest driver assistance system in the industry.

While it’s easy to use and very effective, it’s also one of the most capable and advanced. It allows you to take your hands off the wheel, but you still have to focus on the road. And it won’t work if the markings on the road are not visible. In other words, the system will never put you in a dangerous situation.

Which brings us to winter. With the fickler weather and snowy roads, it seems like the Super Cruise system might not work well. That’s not the case. As mentioned, if it can’t see the pavement markings, it won’t activate. If it says it can activate, then it’s locating its markings perfectly. So there’s nothing to worry about. In other words, the system does a great job at clearly indicating when it can and can’t work.

When it does activate, however, it truly makes winter driving more enjoyable. Take a day when it’s snowing, and visibility is poor on the road. As humans, we get a little more nervous behind the wheel. There’s more to watch out for. The system doesn’t make a difference. It doesn’t mind a snowfall and it works the same way it does in the summer. So, if you’re driving on a highway and traffic is heavy during a small storm, as long as the Super Cruise system tells you it can work, you can relax.

The same is true if you have a passing maneuver to perform. With a vehicle in front of you, less visibility and blind spots to check, there’s a lot to do when road conditions aren’t optimal. You do it instinctively, but the risk of a collision is higher than in the summer when the weather is nice. With the Super Cruise system, all you have to do is activate your turn signal. The system will check to see if the lane is clear, and then it will change lanes automatically.

And on a beautiful winter road, with the system on, you can enjoy a little more of the incredible scenery that winter has to offer.

To find out for yourself, come test drive a model equipped with the Super Cruise system this winter. You’ll see just how much easier it can make your life.